పదివేల మంది పిల్లలు కేరింతలతో తెలుగు నేర్చుకోడానికై ఉరుకంగ!
మనబడి పుష్కరాల వత్సరాన అమెరికాలో పొంగిన తెలుగు గంగ!
Crossing 10,000 students is an amazing milestone in the 12th academic year!! A proud moment for 2000+ volunteers of SiliconAndhra ManaBadi
who dedicate their time and passion, incessantly for the common purpose of imparting the richness of Telugu language in our next generation. This is just not a number but representation of the glory of our language for many many years to come! It is proof that when common people come together on a “common purpose”, they accomplish uncommon results!!
Sept 21st is the last date for registering into this fantastic milestone year. Be part of history, make it a priority to have your kids learn the language!!
JayahO Telugu!! JayahO ManaBadi!!